Dagbok 15. mai 2020

“Jeg kom på at det var noe jeg måtte huske da mobilalarmen pep ti på syv, og mens jeg barberte meg innså jeg at det dreide seg om lettmelk. Etter at barna flyttet hjemmefra er de daglige innkjøpene blitt mer usystematiske, og i går droppet jeg supermarkedet og kjøpte bare et brød hos bakeren.”

A window of opportunity

Yes, the pandemic has led to uncertainty, anxiety, suffering and deepened misery for many of the world’s poor. Yet, we may still insist that the glass is half full. This is in fact a golden opportunity for those who seriously wish to deal with the crises of the environment and climate.

A university is not a factory

A university is not a car factory. And our students are not components to be assembled and processed on a production line in the most technocratically efficient manner without a thought for the culture or working environment in which they learn and develop.


In Gladstone, even the sunset is sponsored by the fossil fuel industry. To watch the sun setting in the west, you must also simultaneously stare at the three tall, symmetrical columns of Gladstone Power Station.

Clashing scales of Brexit

Mainstream newspapers, politicians and commentators across Europe instantly expressed dejection and bitterness in the face of the Brexit outcome, and avid Brexiteers have typically been portrayed as xenophobes and bigots, Little Englanders or foolish opportunists incapable of understanding the dangerous ramifications and likely Domino effects of their choice.